

卢东 不敲几下,你不可能知道一个人或一个西瓜的好坏。


Sure, here's a summary of how different cultures and historical periods have interpreted the concept of "different":

Ancient Cultures:

  • Individualism: In ancient cultures, individuals were seen as distinct entities with their own unique identities, values, and destinies.
  • Hierarchy: Social structures were often based on social class, with the upper class being seen as more highly valued and connected to the gods.
  • Rituals: Rituals and festivals were designed to promote social cohesion and ensure the harmony of the cosmos.

Medieval and Renaissance Europe:

  • Individualism: The Renaissance period emphasized the importance of individual expression and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Humanism: Humanists placed a high value on reason, logic, and the individual's potential.
  • Religious Tolerance: Religious tolerance was often encouraged, with people being free to practice their own faiths without persecution.

Modern and Contemporary Culture:

  • Diversity: The modern world is characterized by a vast and diverse range of cultures, identities, and perspectives.
  • Multiculturalism: Societies are increasingly multicultural, with people from different backgrounds and cultures living together.
  • Globality: The rise of globalization has led to increased interconnectedness and a shared sense of humanity.

Historical Periods:

  • Ancient Egypt: The ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife and the importance of maintaining harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds.
  • Ancient Greece and Rome: Ancient Greeks and Romans valued individual achievement, civic virtue, and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Medieval Christianity: Medieval Christians emphasized the importance of the individual's relationship with God and the need for salvation through faith.


The concept of "different" has been interpreted differently across different cultures and historical periods. While ancient cultures focused on individual identity and hierarchy, modern culture emphasizes diversity and multiculturalism. Historical periods have varied in their perspectives on the role of the individual, religion, and social structure.
